Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Freeport Indonesia

Daftar Isi

Lokernas.com - PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) adalah sebuah perusahaan Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang eksplorasi, pertambangan, pemprosesan, dan pemasaran konsentrat tembaga, emas, dan perak daerah daerah dataran tinggi Tembagapura, Mimika, Papua. Freeport Indonesia merupakan bagian dari holding Badan Usaha Milik Negara di sektor pertambangan, Mining Industry Indonesia (MIND ID) dan sahamnya dimiliki oleh Inalum serta Freeport-McMoRan.

Visi : 

Menjadi perusahaan tambang kelas dunia yang menciptakan nilai-nilai unggul dan menjadi kebanggaan bagi seluruh pemangku kepentingan termasuk karyawan, masyarakat, dan bangsa.

Misi : 

Berkomitmen untuk secara kreatif mentransformasikan sumber daya alam menjadi kesejahteraan dan pembangunan yang berkelanjutan melalui praktek-praktek pertambangan terbaik dengan memprioritaskan kesejahteraan dan ketentraman karyawan dan masyarakat, pengembangan SDM, tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan hidup, serta keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja.

Dikutip dari careers-page.com/freeportindonesia/ diinformasikan PT Freeport Indonesia membuka lowongan kerja untuk sejumlah posisi. Beberapa posisi yang dibuka antara lain Accountant, Accountant Payroll, Chief Accountant Surface Mine, Superintendent Mill & Oreflow Accounting, Chief Accountant Underground Mine, Head, Audit & Financial Analysis, Superintendent Financial Analysis & Smelter , Chief Accountant Financial Report & Forecast, dan Chief Accountant Exploration, Financial Closing & Joint Venture. Batas akhir lowongan sampai dengan tanggal 21 Desember 2022. Untuk detail informasi lowongan dan pendaftaran simak berikut ini.

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Freeport Indonesia

1.Accountant, Payroll-Contractor

Location : Jakarta, Indonesia


Minimum Education and Experience

  • Bachelor's degree in Accounting, Finance, Economics, Management or equivalent experiences, with basic technical knowledge of accounting principles.
  • Experience in Accounting field for 0 - 3 years (payroll and taxation matters) is highly recommended.
  • Must be familiar with computer (Excel spreadsheet) and experience with any payroll system is recommended.

2.Accountant Payroll JKTA, YPJ, NMI, MI

Location: Jakarta, Indonesia


Minimum Education and Experience

  • S1 (Bachelor) in Accounting/Economics/Management with 0 - 3 years' experience in payroll and taxation or equivalent experience.

3.Chief Accountant Surface Mine

Location : Tembagapura, Papua, Indonesia


Minimum Education and Experience

  • S1 (Bachelor) in Accounting with 5 - 7 years accounting experiences in mining or oil company, or
  • Business Administration or Finance with 4 years relevant experience.

Core Competencies (Knowledge, Skills & Characters)

  • Excellent in English both oral and written.
  • Computer skill.
  • Self-motivated and creative.
  • Presentation and communication skill.

4.Superintendent Mill & Oreflow Accounting

Location : Tembagapura, Papua, Indonesia


  • Minimum Education and Experience
  • S1 (Bachelor) in Accounting with 7 years experiences in mining operation accounting and
  • 10 years experience as supervisory capacity

Core Competencies (Knowledge, Skills & Characters)

  • Excellent in English both oral and written.
  • Computer skill.
  • Self motivated and creative.
  • Mining company experience.
  • Presentation and communication skill.

5.Chief Accountant Underground Mine

Location : Tembagapura, Papua, Indonesia


Minimum Education and Experience:

  • S1 (Bachelor) in Accounting with 5 - 7 years accounting experiences in mining or oil company, or
  • Business Administration or Finance with 4 years relevant experience.

Core Competencies (Knowledge, Skills & Characters):

  • Excellent in English both oral and written.
  • Computer skill.
  • Self-motivated and creative.
  • Presentation and communication skill.

6.Head, Audit & Financial Analysis

Location : Jakarta, Indonesia


  • S-1(Bachelor) in Accounting/finance. He has deep knowledge in GAAP, IAS, IFRS and other reporting requirements and tax regulations.
  • Minimum of 8-10 years proven managerial skills and work experience in an international public accounting firm and / or multinational company.

7.Superintendent Financial Analysis & Smelter Development

Location : Jakarta, Indonesia


  • S-1(Bachelor) in Accounting/Finance. He has deep knowledge in GAAP, IAS, IFRS and other reporting requirements and tax regulations.
  • Minimum of 8 years proven skills and work experience in an international public accounting firm and / or multinational company.

8.Chief Accountant Financial Report & Forecast

Location : Jakarta, Indonesia


Minimum Education and Experience

  • S1 degree in Accounting with 5 years' experience in Mining or Oil & Gas industry or in audit firm.

Core Competencies (Knowledge, Skills & Characters)

  • Achievement Orientation.
  • Analytical Thinking.
  • Customer Service Orientation.
  • Cultural Sensitivity.
  • Team Leadership.
  • Concern for Safety and Environment.

9.Chief Accountant Exploration, Financial Closing & Joint Venture

Location : Jakarta, Indonesia


Minimum Education and Experience

  • S1 degree preferably in Accounting/Finance
  • 5 - 7 years related experience in multi-national companies and/or public accounting firm.

Core Competencies (Knowledge, Skills & Characters)

  • Analytical skill, especially in financial.
  • Careful in details.
  • Computer and MIMS skill.
  • English.
  • Communication/interpersonal skill (with users/employees and banks).
  • Honest.
  • Supervisory skill.
  • Tax knowledge.
  • Fully understand company's policies and procedures.

Link Pendaftaran  :


Dateline : 21 December 2022

Perhatian :

  • PT Freeport Indonesia menghimbau kepada calon pelamar pekerjaan untuk berhati-hati dan waspada terhadap tindakan penipuan terkait rekrutmen.
  • PT Freeport Indonesia tidak melakukan pungutan dalam bentuk apapun, menjanjikan pengembalian dana akomodasi, transportasi, konsumsi dan sebagainya.
  • Sumber : www.careers-page.com/freeportindonesia
  • Follow Telegram Lokernas - t.me/lokernastelegram

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